šŸ¤«9 Simple Rich People Habits That Will Change Your LifešŸ¤«

Hey, it's Rachelā€”

I was reading You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb this week, and a specific quote cracked me up and reminded me of an important lesson we all should remember:

"If the queen had balls, she'd be the king."

This saying is essentially a blunt way of saying that thinking about what could be if things were different is futile.

From a psychological perspective, this phrase highlights our human tendency to imagine alternate realities or what might have been if things were different.

While this can sometimes help us learn from mistakes and plan for the future, it can also lead to unnecessary frustration and dissatisfaction when we dwell too much on impossibilities or unrealistic scenarios.

I wanted to share this phrase with you as a gentle, silly reminder to focus on what is within your control and work with the realities you have.

In today's email:

  • Idea of the Week
  • Resources of the Week
  • 5 Steps to Designing the Life You Want
  • Advice Corner

Idea of the Week

9 Simple Rich People Habits That Will Change Your Life

Whatā€™s going to make you rich?

While winning the lottery is a fast and easy solution, the odds, my friends, are not in your favor.

But you know what is in your control?

Your habits.

For the past 20 years, Iā€™ve studied finance and observed successful people.

Iā€™ve even interviewed the accountants and financial planners of high-net-worth individuals.

Iā€™ve found the same themes have come up time and time again.

So here are the top 9 simple habits of rich people that you can steal and replicate.

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Resources of the Week

This Week's Email is Sponsored By:


5 Steps to Designing the Life You Want

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Something New

Advice Corner

Q: In your opinion, what is the best road map to setting up a freelance business before your first paying client so you look like you're actually in business?

A: Honestly, I think the most important thing you do is get your first client and not worry about looking like you're in business.

So many people focus on setting up a website, business cards, and every social media account, but those things are a distraction when you just need leads (and sales).

In reality, the best thing you can do is network with the right people (ideally those who already know, like, and trust your work) and ask them if they have any project-based work related to what you plan to do. If that feels too bold, ask them about their challenges/problems and then offer to help them solve those problems for a fee.

Once you have your first clients, you may realize you don't need to look like you're in business because you already are!

And if you want to create a website, you'll have a better understanding of your value and your work, and you'll have real testimonials you can put on the website.

Don't make things harder than they have to be. šŸ˜˜

Do you have a burning question about passive income, personal finance, or positive psychology that you need answered? If so, hit reply and send me an email with your question. If you're lucky, I'll answer it in this section of the next newsletter.

Hey, I'm Rachel!

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