🤑Using AI to Make More Money🤑

Hey, it's Rachel—

The other day, I was helping a friend do some virtual interviews for a position she was hiring for.

All the candidates were pretty mediocre, but one candidate stood out.

The candidate was confident and charismatic.

But most importantly, she gave the correct answers to our hardest questions.


She used Chat GPT.

You see, there was one question that was stumping all the candidates.

But with this stellar candidate, instead of getting flustered or making something up, she quickly typed the question into Chat GPT and was able to give us the exact answer we were looking for.

Honestly, I didn't even notice her do this.

But one of the people on the hiring committee did.

After the interview, it caused a debate as to whether or not we should hire her if she was relying on Chat GPT.

But in the end, we decided we didn't care how she got the right answer. We appreciated that she was creative enough to use it as a problem-solving tool.

And that is just one way you can use AI to make more money.

In today's email:

  • Idea of the Week
  • Resources of the Week
  • Work With Me
  • Advice Corner

Idea of the Week

How to Come Up with Business Ideas: 3 Genius AI Hacks to Brainstorm Business Ideas

Wondering how to come up with business ideas?

Many people want to start a business or side hustle, but the number one problem is coming up with a great idea.

In business school, I learned that the best way to find a great idea is to generate many ideas.

Then, when I studied positive psychology, I learned that the best way to be successful is to focus on one's strengths.

This is all fine and good, but it still leaves us with the problem of how!?

​Continue reading...​

Resources of the Week

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You Should Know

Work With Me

Want to take this relationship to the next level? 😂

Here's how we can work together:

Need something else? Have a question?

Hit reply and let me know what you're looking for.

Something New

Advice Corner

Q: How do I get a steady stream of income and clients in my business?

A: I love good questions, and this is a fantastic one!

Based on your question, I'm going to assume that you've already had some success in business- you've made your first sale and have some clients and income; it's just less than ideal or not as consistent as you'd like it.

If that's the case, I want you to assess what's worked in your business.

The clients that you do have- how did they find out about you?

If you're already making income- is there a specific product or service that generates the bulk of your revenue?

Start by assessing what's working well.

Then, do more of it!

For example, if you do hair and most clients find out about you through word of mouth, you could consider a referral program to encourage more word of mouth.

If your most sought-after and profitable service is up-dos, maybe you could niche down and try to do more of those by networking with people who get a lot of up-dos (brides, pageant participants, etc.)

If you're not sure what's worked in the past, your homework is to create systems that allow you to track this data better.

Maybe you survey people to ask how they found out about you.

Maybe you look at the analytics on the back end of your website to see where your traffic is coming from.

But the bottom line is, if you know strategies that are proven and work well for your business, do more of those.

This will get you to your goal faster than testing brand-new strategies that may or may not work.

Do you have a burning question about passive income, personal finance, or positive psychology that you need answered? If so, hit reply and send me an email with your question. If you're lucky, I'll answer it in this section of the next newsletter.

Hey, I'm Rachel!

Ready to prosper, darling? Get juicy success hacks and awesome resources related to passive income, personal finance, and positive psychology delivered straight from my brain to yours. Enter your email below, so you don't miss out.

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