
Hey, I'm Rachel!

🎯What do you think? + 19 Passive Income Ideas 🎯

Published 25 days ago • 2 min read

Hey, it's Rachel—

Last week we talked about the beginning of just about anything being hard.

This week, I wanted to discuss how to speed up the process and make things easier.

Going back to lessons in chemistry, I want to remind you of the concept of a catalyst.

What is a catalyst?

In chemistry, a catalyst is a substance that changes the rate of a chemical reaction. For example, it speeds up a reaction or enables it to proceed under milder conditions.

In life, this can translate into a person or event that quickly causes change or action. It could also be learning a new skill or finding a tool that makes achieving your goal easier.

So, if you want to achieve a goal faster or make something easier, ask yourself what can catalyze your growth and learning.

Sometimes, it only takes one good catalyst to start a huge reaction.

One relationship.

One strategy.

One question...

Speaking of questions, I have something I need you to do.

>>Click here to take my survey.<<

What's in it for you?

You will get a chance to win cash, and some other prizes, and you'll also help me curate content to help you.

Content that could just be the catalyst you need to achieve your big goals in life.

Seriously, though, if you like my emails, the #1 way to support me is to spend 5 minutes sharing information to help me better serve you.

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In today's email:

  • Idea of the Week
  • Resources of the Week
  • Advice Corner

Idea of the Week

Best 19 Income-Producing Assets for Passive Income You Need to Know About

There’s a ton of buzz online about making income with side hustles.

While I love passive income business models, they only represent one asset class (business) for producing passive income.

In this post, I’ll break down tons of different income-producing assets. They can help you generate various levels of passive income.

Continue reading...

Resources of the Week

This Week's Email is Sponsored By:


Getting Started

You Should Know

Time to Think

If you're reading this, this is a friendly reminder that taking time to simply think is ok.

Cancel your plans, turn off your phone, sit still, and think.

Think about your goals.

Think about your dreams.

Think about the next steps.

Something New

Advice Corner

Q: How do I act when I'm drowning in a sea of information and unsure what I can do?

A: I love this question!

What do you need to do when you're drowning?

Get out of the water.

It could involve unsubscribing from emails (not this one, of course), cleaning your desk, or deleting Instagram, TikTok, etc., from your phone.

Basically, you need to cut off the source of the problem.

Then, go back to the basics.

For example, start by defining your goal.

Then, ask yourself what information would support that goal.

Next, seek specific information that aligns with your goals.

(Hint): You may already have the information you need sitting in an unstarted course, an unopened book, or an untapped personal connection.

Next, you need to act even when you're unsure.

Work to consistently take actions that are likely to support your goals.

The more you do this, the higher your odds of success will be.

Do you have a burning question related to passive income, personal finance, or positive psychology that you need answered? If yes, hit reply and send me an email with your question. If you're lucky, I'll answer it in this section of the next newsletter.

Hey, I'm Rachel!

Ready to prosper, darling? Get juicy success hacks and awesome resources related to passive income, personal finance, and positive psychology delivered straight from my brain to yours. Enter your email below, so you don't miss out.

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