
Hey, I'm Rachel!

🤗What to do when that thing you want is just out of reach🤗

Published 2 months ago • 5 min read

Hey, it's Rachel—

A few months ago, I mentioned that I put an offer on a house and I would get back to you with an update on how it went.

Well, here's the update: still no house. 🥴

In fact, to date, we've put offers in on 4 houses with no luck. 😐

Houses in the area we're looking at are going for $50,000 to $300,000 over the asking price. 🤢 And often, the starting asking price is ridiculous (in my humble opinion).

When I'm not crying and feeling bad for myself, I'll use what I learned about positive psychology and ask myself, "What can I learn from this situation?" and "What are my choices? and "What's best to do now?"

Why do I share this with you?

Well, if you're going through something similar regarding housing, I want you to know you're not alone.

In fact, if you're going through anything regarding wanting something and not getting it, you're not alone.

Also, I want to highlight asking yourself questions like these:

  • What can I learn from this situation?
  • What are my choices?
  • What's best to do now?

will always beat questions like these:

  • Why me?
  • Why bother?
  • WTF!?!? 🤬

And in case you're wondering how I answer these questions, here are some of my current thoughts:

  • What can I learn from this situation?

I'm learning about the fine art of being patient (which, admittedly, is not easy for me). I am learning to be grateful for what I already have. I have also decided to learn more about DIY home renovations. Part of my motivation for wanting a new house is being annoyed by certain aspects of my current home. Rather than living with those annoyances, I've decided to do something about them and increase my renovation skills in the meantime.

  • What are my choices?

I have more choices than meets the eye. They include but are not limited to, waiting until prices drop, biting the bullet and spending more on a home, putting in a larger down payment, being less picky about what I want, buying a fixer-upper, renovating my house, moving to a lower-cost-of-living area (another city, state, or even country), adding on to my current home, or renting a larger home (instead of buying).

  • What's best to do now?

For now, I've decided to wait it out, keep saving, and make improvements to my home while increasing my DIY skills (which will serve me well if I buy a fixer-upper in the future).

If you're reading this, and you want to vent or share your situation, or if you have any thoughts, ideas, real estate insights, and/or advice, I'm all ears.

Please send them over to me by hitting reply.

In today's email:

  • Idea of the Week
  • Resources of the Week
  • Meme on Acceptance
  • U.S. Economic, Housing, and Mortgage Market Outlook
  • Advice Corner

Idea of the Week

Want to make money online?

One way I'm making more money to afford a larger down payment is by continuing to sell digital products on Etsy. If you want to learn everything I know about the topic, check out this free webinar about selling printables on Etsy. These are the people I learned from. 😍

Learn more

Resources of the Week

This Week's Email is Sponsored By:



You Should Know

U.S. Economic, Housing and Mortgage Market Outlook – February 2024

I found this article fascinating. If you want to nerd out on economic data, this article is for you. 🤓

Read the article here

Something New

Advice Corner

Q: I'm struggling with wanting more and finding it hard to come by. What should I do?

As you can probably see from this email, I feel ya. I had lunch with a friend today, and as we were chatting and venting, I realized it's basically part of the human condition to want something that's just out of reach. I want a house, she wants kids, another friend wants a partner... We're all wanting... But here are some tangible ways to deal with this situation and try to get some control over your life.

  1. Clarify Your Desire: Firstly, it's essential to have a clear understanding of what you truly want. Then, you want to make sure you understand the 'why' behind your desire. Ask yourself: Why do I want this? How will it improve my life? This clarity can provide direction and motivation.
  2. Set Realistic Goals: Once you've identified your desire, set realistic and achievable goals towards attaining it. Also, breaking down your main goal into smaller, manageable steps can make the process less overwhelming and more attainable.
  3. Mindset and Attitude: Cultivating a positive mindset is important. Make sure you believe in your ability to achieve what you want. Remember, mindset plays a crucial role in how you approach challenges and opportunities.
  4. Develop a Plan of Action: Next, create a detailed plan outlining the steps you need to take. This might include gaining certain skills, taking certain actions, saving money, networking, or any other relevant actions. A well-thought-out plan can guide you through the process systematically. And remember, you may need to do something different. As Einstein said, 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'
  5. Overcome Obstacles: Remember that challenges and setbacks are part of the journey. Instead of viewing them as failures, consider them learning opportunities. Develop resilience and adaptability to handle these situations.
  6. Seek Support and Resources: You don't have to do it alone. Seek support from friends, family, or professionals who can offer guidance or assistance. Additionally, utilize available resources, such as books, workshops, or online content, that can provide valuable insights and tools.
  7. Take Consistent Action: Progress requires consistent effort. Even small daily actions can lead to significant results over time. Stay committed to your plan and adjust it as necessary.
  8. Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. This will not only boost your morale but also reinforce your commitment to your goal.
  9. Maintain Balance: While pursuing your goal, don’t neglect other important aspects of your life, like health, relationships, and personal well-being. A balanced life can enhance your overall happiness and productivity.
  10. Reflect and Reassess: Regularly reflect on your journey. What’s working? What’s not? Be open to reassessing and adjusting your goals and strategies as needed.
  11. Enjoy the Journey: Ultimately, the journey takes up way more time than actually getting the result. While it may not always be easy, finding ways to enjoy the journey will always make it more joyful.

Do you have a burning question related to passive income, personal finance, or positive psychology that you need answered? If yes, hit reply and send me an email with your question. If you're lucky, I'll answer it in this section of the next newsletter.

Hey, I'm Rachel!

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